Silaturahim Hj. Netty Prasetyani, M.S.i bersama Keluarga Besar Pesantren Condong

Hj. Netty Prasetyani, M.S.i saat menyampaikan sambutannya

Jum’at kemarin Pesantren Condong kedatangan tamu istimewa yakni Hj. Netty Prasetyani, M.S.i yang merupakan istri dari Gubernur Jawa Barat Ahmad Heryawan, Lc. Kedatangan beliau yang terbilang mendadak ini dimaksudkan untuk mengadakan silaturahim bersama keluarga besar Pondok Pesantren Riyadlul ‘Ulum Wadda’wah Condong. Seluruh santri dan santriwati pun dikerahkan untuk menyambut beliau. Termasuk seluruh staf pengajar dan keluarga besar Pesantren ikut menjamu kedatangan Ibu Hj. Netty.
Secara singkat acara berlangsung dengan lancar dan khidmat di dalam mesjid Fatimah Az-zahra meski diiringi guyuran hujan lebat. Terlebih dahulu Kyai Diding Darul Falah selaku Wakil Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren menyampaikan sambutannya dihadapan Ibu Hj. Netty dan ratusan santri. Dalam sambutannya beliau memperkenalkan latar belakang pesantren Condong dan juga mengajukan beberapa pesan agar disampaikan kepada Bapak Gubernur yang berhubungan dengan dunia pendidikan terutama dalam aspek pembangunan.
Selanjutnya Ibu Hj. Netty pun memberikan sambutan lalu memaparkan maksud dan tujuannya datang ke Pesantren Condong. Beliau menyesalkan padatnya kegiatan pak Gubernur sehingga belum menepati janjinya untuk bersilaturahim dengan pihak pesantren. Namun meski begitu beliau menegaskan bahwa sebelum suaminya yang datang, istrinya terlebih dahulu yang tiba untuk mewakili.
Ada sesuatu yang menarik menyangkut nama beliau yang seringkali dipanggil seenaknya oleh orang-orang. Beliau menegaskan bahwa sedari lahir namanya adalah Netty Prasetyani. Namun banyak dari orang-orang yang menyebutnya Ibu Gubernur, padahal dia bukan Gubernur. “ Kalau saya dibilang Ibu Gubernur, berarti saya dong yang jadi Gubernur. Lagi pula kalau dipanggil Ibu Gubernur, saya kan istrinya Pak Gubernur, bukan Ibunya”. Seketika gelak tawa para santri membahana. Namun yang paling parah, sempat pada satu acara, MC memanggilnya dengan sebutan Netty Herawati, mungkin karena dekat dengan nama akhir Bapak Gubernur yaitu Heryawan. Para santri kembali terpingkal-pingkal.
Selanjutnya beliau pun menyampaikan beberapa nasihat kepada para santri seputar dunia pendidikan, kondisi ummat Islam di Indonesia serta peran wanita di masyarakat. Beliau pun sangat mengapresiasi para santri yang mau belajar di pesantren. “ Untuk menjadi kader bangsa, kita memang perlu mempelajari ‘Ulum. Memperdalam ilmu-ilmu agama, serta tidak lupa mempelajari funun atau Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK)” papar Calon doktor dari Universitas padjajaran ini. Terakhir, Wakil Pimpinan Pesantren menyerahkan cenderamata secara simbolis lalu meminta untuk berfoto bersama. Setelah itu beliau pamit undur diri untuk menghadiri acara berbeda di tempat lain.[Lena]

Berfoto bersama Ibu Netty

Warm Regards,
Lena Sa'yati

One Day With You..

Una and Urul were married on Sunday, 21 October 2010. thank you for your prayers and support of friends all. I hope this marriage sakinah mawaddah warahmah.Oh yes, these are some of our photos during the journey to my hometown yesterday; Salopa :)

Una & Urul
Tried to get my husband's pic.
Let's Check your pic, honey :-D
Haha, this's the result!
Love Padang Ilalang so much :)
Tuan dan Nyonya Syahrul, ckck
With you, is smile everyday, amen :)


Undangan Walimatul 'Ursy
Maha suci Allah yang telah menciptakan mahluk-Nya berpasang-pasangan.
Ya Allah, perkenankanlah kami merangkaikan kasih sayang yang Kau ciptakan diantara putra-putri kami

Lena Sa’yati
(Putri pertama dari  Otang Sirojuddin dan Oom Khoeridah)


M. Syahruzzaky Romadloni 
(Putra pertama dari Drs. Mahmud Farid, M.Pd. dan Nina Munawaroh Sofyan)

untuk melaksanankan syariat agama-Mu, mengikuti sunnah rasul-Mu

dalam membentuk rumah tangga Sakinah, Mawaddah Wa Rahmahdalam ikatan pernikahan.

Akad nikah insya Allah akan diselenggarakan pada:
Ahad, 21 Oktober 2012/ 5 Dzulhijjah 1433 H
JAM 08.00 s.d Selesai
Bertempat di Lapang Madrasah An-Nisyat Kp. Lembur Gunung (Cikasungka), RT 007 RW 002 Ds. Mulyasari, Kec. Salopa Kab. Tasikmalaya

Dengan memohon Ridho serta Rahmat Allah SWT, kami bermaksud menyelenggarakan Tasyakuran Resepsi Pernikahan putra-putri kami yang Insya Allah akan dilaksanakan pada:

HARI/TANGGAL/BULAN/TAHUN: Ahad, 21 Oktober 2012/ 5 Dzulhijjah 1433 H
JAM: 10.00 WIB
TEMPAT : Lapang Madrasah An-Nisyat, Kp. Lembur Gunung (Cikasungka), RT 007 RW 002  Ds. Mulyasari, Kec. Salopa Kab. Tasikmalaya
Hiburan : Team Marawis Zaenul Qulub dan Team Nasyid Faza Nada dari
Pondok Pesantren Riyadlul ‘Ulum Wadda’wah
 Warm Regards,          
Lena Sa'yati

a nice accident!

Astagfirullah, Astagfirullahal'adhim ...
Yesterday I crash. One incident that I think it is very beautiful. Well you know? Right, because it turns out God is keeping a secret behind it.
First, when will go to padayungan to pick up, I've had no heart. So I repeatedly say istigfar and said so on najiah (friend who took me on a motorcycle).

"Naj, do not make me Unsave"

Haha, of course she was shocked to hear my last words. She changed so hesitant to bum me, he feared nothing, because maybe I will get married soon.
But I tried to convince myself, as though somewhere along the way still have a doubt in my heart.
And, sure, we got a ticket from the police because the way we passed is forbidden. haha, and I was forced to spend 35,000 Rupiah. Ckck,

So what's up there? Yet, because of the way home, it's when I can see the power of Allah.

As we quietly running motor, suddenly a truck turns, the motor automatically hit it off instantly. Our bodies are bouncing a little away from the motor, and the motor was dropped. Which makes me shock was when my head slammed into the pavement, and the car stoped in front of my head . Masya Allah, my face instantly became pale.

Najiah, The Police and motorists had directly helped me. I was really nervous, shocked, can not believe that makes my lips became numb, can not say anything. The police officer suggested that they handled this incident, but I do not want to. I wanna go home, I just want to go home and immediately notify my Urul. But his HP was not active. I was sad, I repeatedly read istigfar.

But lucky, the truck driver had been a good mothers. She took us to a motorcycle repair shop, then give us compensation. Though there was no injury on our bodies, so did our motor. I just felt sore neck and hips. It's a miracle.

So unique that, thanks to this incident, the money replaced former police officer ticketed despite having a crash, hehe. But Allah's scenario is very beautiful. Although we've experienced an accident severe enough, but no members were hurt our bodies, subhanallah. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar!

To cheer me up, my friends took me to Singaparna to play to our best friends house "Nurul". There we play, take pictures, and of course eating together, Alhamdulillah.......

Nurul's Home Garden, nice :)

a Rose Flower in the Nurul's Home Garden
With Nurul's Mother

eating together
Appearing our new driver; Ganiiii! hehe

           Warm Regards,
Lena Sa'yati

Bashaer Othman, an Inspiring girl!

This morning I was watching a music event in one of the private television. Which makes it interesting is the presence of a beautiful girl on the show Palestinian origin. Her name Bashaer Othman. Which makes me surprised is to know that She is the former mayor of Allar, a small Palestinian town high in the West Bank hills.

--> Wow, in her 15 she has served as a mayor? Unbelievable!
Bashaer Othman
Beautiful, young, intelligent. Amazing!  I watched and listened the conversation between her and MC in that event carefully. The dialogue I still remember among other things;
* Bashaer Othman came to Indonesia at the invitation of the World Peace Movement to receive the award 'The World Youngest Major Award' from the Royal World Records.
* Bashaer had served as mayor in the town of Allar, a small town in Palestine at her age is still 15 years!
* Bashaer said that he had a lot of free time in his young age, and therefore, he wanted to use that time to do things that are beneficial, not just to play around.
* The story was first bashaer served as mayor was when She challenged the mayor Allar 'Sufian Shadid' to change positions with her for a week. She was chosen from 40 candidates vooting directly. Then with the 10 colleagues (5 women and 5 men) She extended her term to two months.
* In term of office only two months, She successfully completed three projects: She managed to build a building materials factory, build a city park for the kids, she managed to create a system of safety organizations, and most importantly, She was able to persuade the youth to get involved active in politics. This is because most of the youth are always being apathetic towards politics. Bashaer hope this attitude does not only apply to young Palestinians only, but the youth of Indonesia as well. ^_^  
for those of you who have not seen the video interview, can be seen here :)
Wow, subhanallah! God has created a very inspiring figure like her. We should look in the mirror and ashamed of myself too much spending with riotous living. How many contributions that we have done for ourselves and all around us. Hopefully we can follow the example of the persistence of these super women to come forward to be a formidable young and care for the nation, the state and religion. Ameen. ^_^       Warm Regards,
Lena 'Othman' Sa'yati, hehe